Cloning of Lately

Mohit rawat
1 min readMar 20, 2021

We as a team of 4 members started cloning the website LATELY as our second project. We divided this website into small HTML pages and divided our work accordingly. This is the second time I am cloning a website so I used grids to make my work easier and used media queries to make my pages responsive. I also using URL search params to change the URL accordingly as we click on the Next button. I also give hovering effects to my grids. We also made the functionality of signing up and then logging in. We also embed the video using jquery on our webpage. We also made the functionality of a URL shortener, which returns you the URL of the same website but shorter length. This time we tried to implement more of the JS part rather than HTML things. Learned a lot of things this time also, waiting for my next project.

